Saturday, January 1, 2011


After a few days of hunting for liquor - that's what they call alcohol in Utah - smiling a lot and going to bed very early, I'm looking forward to returning to the big A. To illustrate this please enjoy a pic of the Naked Cowboy, former mayoral candidate for NYC. The Naked Cowboy was seen a lot on the streets when we first moved to the city and he never minded if you wanted to pose alongside him for a pic (?). Always ready with a song, the Naked Cowboy could often be heard strumming around the streets before one actually caught sight of him.

The NC represents the Other Side of NYC life. On the one-hand it's so high-fallutin'. God forbid you should venture across the park to the East Side with a hair out of place and still expect to be served in a shop, heaven preserve you from mentioning your cockroaches over cocktails.  It is still possible though, to venture downtown, mooch around on the Lower East Side or any one of a dozen other neighbourhoods and meet naked cowboys, old ladies dressed as Cleopatra or dogs that talk (according to their owners). So, as awe-inspiring as the Canyons of the Colorado River are and as high as the Rockies can take ya, I'll still be glad to get home. See you there I hope. xxx

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