Monday, February 13, 2012


Watching Taylor Swift on the Grammys last night prompted me to get out the i-poddess this morning and enjoy a little bit of Bobby. Bobby Gentry (see above) has the most amazing, cracked country voice that any woman would die to have. Bobby is a feminist and the embodiment of the Womens Lib movement in the 1960s. Her song, Fancy is such a classic. While Ode To Billy Joe and Harper Valley PTA are the huge hits, Fancy says more about the plight of poor women down through time than tons of other country, soul and blues songs.

Thank the Goddess we no longer live in a world where Fancy's story is the only path for poor women _ but have we come far enough? I look at the glamour girls vying for soccer/basketball players in the media, or accidentally catch an episode ofThe Bachelor and wonder.  It all sickens me. So many women in the world still struggle against Fancy's situation. The ones lucky enough to be born and educated away from that should get off their backs (literally) and try something more constructive instead. 

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