Just confessed to having once worn a velour tracksuit with a pair of Uggs in a top American mag. Turned out to be the worst admission I have ever made. It's only a small article but I've been bombarded with missives from folk saying a) I made it up and have never worn a V.T or b) I need to seriously sort myself out in every way.
Paris Hilton made the Ugg & tracky combo famous and you still can't beat it for comfort. Now it turns out you really and truly can't wear it any more. The velour tracksuit is persona-non-gratis on normal people, on both sides of the Atlantic. There aren't many trends I mourn, most will be back again soon but I'm assured by the trendwatchers that velour trackies are gone for good. It's such a bummer because who can be bothered with finding and buying super-stylish slobwear? I know, cashmere leggings and a throw in the family tartan should be the way forward but such purchases are too far down my to-do list, to ever get done.
I will still be wearing my trusty Uggs this winter but only with nondescript, fleecey tracky bottoms or jim-jams and some kind of manky jumper. Thankyouverymuch fashionettes. Thanks to your carping, my matching, slightly gleaming in the dark, international hottie-pole-dancer/WAG-ish, beloved two-pieces are gone. Another New York sacrifice.